Library Membership

Library membership is a privilege. Registered members will be able to borrow those books from the library which are available for circulation, as well as to use the general facilities of the Reading Room. Borrowers are fully responsible for the care and condition of library material while on loan. Loss or damage of library books means that they are no longer available for other members and for future generations.

Rules for Membership:
1. Interested readers can apply for membership, with completed application form, fee, copy of ID card, two passport size photographs, proof of official and residential addresses, to the Chief Librarian.
2. No books may be borrowed from the Library except by members.
3. Only books classified as circulating items may be borrowed. Reference, rare and irreplaceable material cannot be taken outside the library
4. A Member may borrow two books at a time for a duration of two weeks.
5. Membership for one year will be Nu.100. The 12-month fee for Students will be 50%.
6. Borrowing hours are from 10.00 a.m to 30 minutes before closing time. Borrowers must present each book at the counter for processing, along with their membership card. The Counter assistant will stamp the date when the book must be returned.
7. In order to renew a loan, the book must be brought to the Library. No loan may be renewed if the book has been requested by another borrower. No more than three renewals may be made for any book.
8. Books will be recalled for special reasons regardless of the original loan period.
9. Fines for the late return of books will be Nu. 5 per day for the first week, and there after Nu. 10 per day subject to revision from time to time.
10. Membership cards are not transferable.
11. Any loss of or damage to a book must be reported immediately to an authorised librarian.
12. Members must inform the Library at once of any change of address.
13. Before borrowing a book, members should ensure it is complete and undamaged, and report any damage or missing pages to an authorised librarian, which should be noted.
14. Members are responsible for any loss or damage to books while on loan. In addition to the full cost of replacement and repair, members will be charged an administration fee of Nu. 50, whether or not the lost book is subsequently found and returned in good order.
15. Membership will be subject to cancellation, if these rules and regulations are violated.
16. Persons under 16 years of age, with or without Identity Card/Passport, must produce a guarantee letter signed by a parent or a guardian, recognizing these conditions.

1. Public access computers are free of cost for accessing the catalogue and doing research for studies. Do not alter any settings on the computers.
2. Umbrellas, overcoats, briefcases, bags, food and drink are not permitted into the Library.
3. Cameras and other photographic equipment may not be used in the Library without the permission of the librarian.
4. Smoking and loud talking is not permitted in and around the Library.
5. Readers should sit in the places provided, and tables and chairs are not to be moved.
6. A Reader/Member must not deface or mark any book or any piece of library furniture or property.
7. The reservation of seats in the Library is not permitted.
8. Books and other articles left for any length of time on chairs or tables may be removed by the Library staff.
9. No responsibility is accepted for personal belongings left in the Library.
10. Any person, on leaving the Library hall must, on demand, present all books and personal property for inspection.